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<h1 class="mb-3 text-4xl font-bold text-gray-900 md:text-5xl md:leading-tight md:font-extrabold">A secure, faster way to transfer.</h1>
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We’re on a mission to bring transparency to finance. We charge as little as possible, and we always show you upfront. No hidden fees. No bad exchange rates. No surprises.
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No credit card required
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14 days free
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<p class="mb-2 text-xs font-semibold tracking-wide text-gray-400 uppercase">For Developers</p>
<h1 class="mb-3 text-3xl font-bold leading-tight text-gray-900 md:text-4xl">Focus on your apps</h1>
<p class="mb-5 text-base text-gray-500 md:text-lg">
Today every company needs apps to engage their customers and run their businesses. Step up your ability to build, manage, and deploy great apps at scale with us.
<a href="#" class="w-full mb-2 btn btn-primary btn-lg sm:w-auto sm:mb-0">Sign up for free</a>
<a href="#" class="w-full mb-2 btn btn-light btn-lg sm:w-auto sm:mb-0">Read our blog</a>
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<span class="mb-3 text-white bg-blue-900 badge">Pre Beta</span>
<h1 class="mb-6 text-4xl font-bold leading-tight text-blue-900 md:text-4xl lg:text-5xl">Great customer relationships start here.</h1>
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<p class="pr-0 mb-4 text-sm text-blue-800 tracking-relaxed lg:pr-16">Get the #1 Business Messenger and start delivering personalized experiences at every stage of the customer journey.</p>
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<h1 class="mb-6 text-4xl font-extrabold leading-none tracking-normal text-gray-900 md:text-6xl md:tracking-tight">
All your <span class="block w-full text-transparent bg-clip-text bg-gradient-to-r from-green-400 to-purple-500 lg:inline">customer feedback</span> in one single place.
<p class="px-0 mb-6 text-lg text-gray-600 md:text-xl lg:px-24">
Hellonext is a feature voting software where you can allow your users to vote on features, publish roadmap, and complete your customer feedback loop.
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<h1 class="mb-4 text-3xl font-bold leading-tight text-gray-900 md:text-4xl md:leading-none tracking-none md:tracking-tight">Ready to start your journey?</h1>
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Low-latency voice and video feels like you’re in the same room. Wave hello over video, watch friends stream their games, or gather up and have a drawing session with screen share.
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d="M20.283,10.356h-8.327v3.451h4.792c-0.446,2.193-2.313,3.453-4.792,3.453c-2.923,0-5.279-2.356-5.279-5.28 c0-2.923,2.356-5.279,5.279-5.279c1.259,0,2.397,0.447,3.29,1.178l2.6-2.599c-1.584-1.381-3.615-2.233-5.89-2.233 c-4.954,0-8.934,3.979-8.934,8.934c0,4.955,3.979,8.934,8.934,8.934c4.467,0,8.529-3.249,8.529-8.934 C20.485,11.453,20.404,10.884,20.283,10.356z"
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